10 year church anniversary theme

Download this 10 year church anniversary theme so that it can help you towards the anniversary that is ahead of you.

Below you will find be able to download the theme you are looking for, we have placed together all the digital materials together that you can use for an occasion in your church.

Just pay only $9.75 and will have more than you wanted including the 10th year anniversary theme that is ahead of you.

click the PayPal button below and you will instantly receive the page to download the theme


Look at this sample theme that shows what you expect to have when you download the page that has got the themes that you are looking for.


The above theme is one of the favorite that you are going to download when you pay $9.75 as access fee.

The above theme is drawn from the book of Isaiah 40:31 which says..But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

The above theme is good because it shows and reminds the church to focus on the Lord and God alone.

I believe you are going to download the page if you have not downloaded it.

We have prepared different themes for you that you can choose from. We have put them in one page for easy access.

You can access the page after you paid a one time little fee of $9.75, we don't charge anything extra and if you don't find a theme that rhymes with your occasion , we can write for you one without charging you more.

Take advantage of this special offer for you.

Click the PayPal button below here.

We are to make your work easier and also  save your precious time to do other things that matters to you.

10 year church anniversary theme

As you mark 10 years of service to humanity, we thank God for the grace given and we also look forward to more years ahead.

The themes we have prepared for you is in line with with the commission of the church as given by Jesus Christ.

As a church, when you come together to remember where the Lord has brought you from, it reenergizes and makes every member to feel grateful of the goodness of the Lord.

The best way to do that is through organizing a church anniversary every year to celebrate and mark the years of service.

As you celebrate the 10 years of service,  we want to wish you all the best and may our good Lord be with you and bless you abundantly in Jesus name.

10 year church anniversary theme

As you look forward to the great day ahead of you, where you are going to celebrate together concerning the goodness of the Lord and the far He has brought you since you began the ministry, thorough preparedness is needed.

We are here to walk with you in this journey because the Lord has promised to abide with us forever.

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