150 year church anniversary ideas

Looking for 150 year church anniversary ideas to help you prepare and plan for the great event in church that is historical and memorable.

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150 year church anniversary ideas

Our church pastor, the church board members, church members present and all the invited guests

Who have come to grace this occasion, I greet you in the name of Jesus, good evening,

Let me take this opportunity of love that the Lord has given us to welcome you all in a special way

To our anniversary in our church,

It is the 150th anniversary and we can’t believe our eyes what the Lord has done to us it is through His grace that we have reached this far,

As we share the goodness of the Lord today and count the blessings I want to welcome you all to feel at Jesus feet and know that the lord of God is us today and we are going to experience the faithfulness bestowed upon us.

Welcome you all and may you enjoy together with us all the activities of the day as planned by the committee tasked to arrange the day on our behalf,

Thank you and May God bless you all.

150 year church anniversary ideas

Ladies and gentlemen,Our pastor and all the invited guest,my fellow church members,

we are happy today as we celebrate our anniversary,we want to thank our almighty God for the wonderful provisions that He has given us and above all the gift of life.

We are marking this anniversary we a lot joy in our hearts

 and as the book of Philippians chapter four and verses thirteen says

we can always do all things through Christ who strengthen us

we can all agree that what we have achieved is by the grace of God and His love too that he has for us. We thank Him and praise him for ever.

feel welcomed and enjoy our service today.

150 year church anniversary ideas

Our chief guest and the invited guests present, our church pastor and the board at large, the organizers of this year's anniversary and all the church members present, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. Mine is very short, I just want to thank the Lord for the precious moments we have had and the wonderful opportunity to stand in front of you here to give short remarks and say thank you everyone for the contribution you made, the day has been successful and may the good Lord bless you. As you leave here may the grace of the Lord go with you until we meet another time. God bless you.

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