5th church anniversary

Looking for 5th church anniversary ideas to help you prepare for the church anniversary in church. Look down here for great ideas including speeches, poems and many more

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5th church anniversary speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus

I feel humbled to stand before you today as I give a thanksgiving on behalf of the church as we celebrate this day.

Let me take this precious moment to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to share His love together.

Let me also thank the church for organizing and making sure the event was a success.

Thank you all for finding time to come and grace the occasion, we have really learn a lot together.

As we disperse and leave, I Just want to say that may the good Lord be with you and your endevours until we meet again.

Keep on praying for our church and may the our God bind us with cords of love that can never be broken.

Thank you

5th church anniversary poem

Praise and honor be unto our heavenly father
For the provision of time and chance that He has given us
As a church
We are here today to celebrate a milestone
The wonderful things God has done to us a church
We give him glory and honor
Today is a special day that comes once in a year
A time like this last year we were here
Many of us can remember vividly the experience
What a joy do we have all of us
In the Lord
We want to thank Him for his goodness and love to us as a church
So far we have experienced a tremendous growth in all aspects of our church
We have increased the membership
We have grown in the grace of the Lord
As we mark the anniversary let us all praise the Lord 
In the wonderful way
Let me recognize all that have participated in this occasion and
Want to thank you on behalf of the church board and the church congregation
May the Lord bless you mightily and abundantly 
Invite many to join our fellowship
So that next year a time like this we can praise the Lord
The bible says that the harvest is ready but we have few harvesters
Let us all remember the command that the Lord gave us of going to the world
To make disciples
We have a part to play
Let us all recognize that the Lord has promised to be with us even up to
The end of the world
May His grace guide us as we count the years into maturity in terms of renewing of our
Mind so that we can appreciate his goodness that is in Christ our savior
Thank you all for coming and may God bless you all. 

5th church anniversary

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