Occasion for 152nd Church Anniversary

Looking for an Occasion for 152nd Church Anniversary?

Thank you for visiting our page for a sample speech that can help you as you prepare for the anniversary that is ahead you.

If this is your first time to be tasked to prepare to deliver a church speech and have been asking yourself your to begin from, don't worry.

You will begin here.

We are here to help you. We help those who is their first time to deliver and want a sample speech and help how to go about it.

Below is a sample speech to help you.

Occasion for 152nd Church Anniversary

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning!

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Father who is in heaven who has  granted us this provision we have to celebrate the 152 year for our church since inception.

It is a rare time to meet in such a manner as we mark this occasion, we all know that all those who found this church are not a live but you and me are here as we share this love.

Feel welcome and God love us all.

Greetings in Jesus name 

I'm humbled through the mercies of God to stand before you to welcome each one of you to our 152 church anniversary.

we are all sure that today after 152 years we cannot find anyone alive among those who founded this church because almost all have slept.

We want to thank God for giving us this chance to be part of the movement that is changing the world today, we have continued with the same vision and mission that the founders had.

As we celebrate the goodness of the Lord for our lives, let us take this time today to reflect back and thank our God for the mercies over our lives.

Thank you the MC of the day for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with the rest of the congregation.

God bless you all.

We hope the above speech has helped you.

If you want a guide that can give you a step by step process that can help write a speech and also show you how to deliver it during the D-day in the church.

We wrote a a guidance that can assist you. You can download the 35 page eBook that is of great help.

It is an easy to read manual and you will never regret getting the eBook at all.

Here is the eBook, how to write and deliver a church speech.

Sometimes you might not have time and would love to get an assistance to write an Occasion for 152nd Church Anniversary, we are here for you and shall help you write one.

If you would love we help you to write then use the contact form below and give us the details you want so that we can write.

Once we get all the details that you want then we shall write one particularly meant for the occasion of your church and send it to you.

Here is the contact form to help you give us the information and details that you want included in the occasion speech.

We hope the above guidance has assisted you to meet the need you had.

Otherwise we want to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion in the church and from here we are praying for you.

May our heavenly Father give you the strength that you need and also fill you with the Holy Spirit during the occasion.

God bless

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