church 10th anniversary speech

Looking for church 10th anniversary speech to download use it during the upcoming anniversary celebration in church? We have one for you to download.

Thank you for visiting our site where we serve you to the best. Below here we have prepared the material you need for the occasion and what you only need to do is to visit the page we have given below here and you will be able to download you material instantly.

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church 10th anniversary speech

Ladies and gentlemen, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Without wasting time let me welcome you in a special way to our church celebration as we mark another year of progress in our church, the journey has been long but we thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to congregate here as we share together this love that comes from Him.

It is a rare opportunity to see all this wonders that comes from the Lord but all glory goes to our Father who is in heaven, our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.

As we celebrate this occasion let us all remember that it is the Lord who began this movement and shall end with Him.

Click this link and you will be able to access the full speech and be able to download it.

church 10th anniversary speech

Greetings in Jesus name!

I feel humbled to stand before you and let me take this precious moments to thank the heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today.

I feel privileged to offer this speech and count it as a great honor accorded to me by the Lord.

It is during such moments when we all remember what the Lord has done to us and how much we need to always depend on Him.

As we celebrate this year's anniversary, let us keep the faith that was started by the Lord and His glory will be seen.

We cannot forget the inputs of the founders of the church, we shall forever remain grateful for the vision they had for our church that has continued today, as we share that love together,may our good Lord be with us until we finish this celebration.

To download the full speech that is ready for you, just visit this page and you will be able to download it.

church 10th anniversary speech

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