Church anniversary opening remarks

Looking for church anniversary opening remarks ? Ok, here is a free and warm welcome sample that you can have a look that will help you make remarkable opening remarks

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When making opening remarks in the Church,let us not forget the promise that the Lord made to us that He will send the Holy spirit to guide us and to bring everything to remembrance.

church anniversary opening remarks

church anniversary opening remarks

Good-morning the people of God!

The grace of God be upon you this morning as we commence the programs of the day,

Let me extend a warm to all of you who are joining us this day we mark this special event in our church of 100 years of existent. Welcome to our anniversary which is unique and special to us as a church

We have a reason to smile because existing in a decade is not a joke. We thank our founders whom some of the have already gone to be with the Lord for the wonderful work they did in setting up a pace that we have followed up today

As we reflect back on what the Lord has done to this church, we cannot fail to recognize many milestones that has been made in our church

Today is a great opportunity to share the love of God together and celebrate the goodness of our Lord Jesus

Feel welcome and may the love of God be with you always.



Want to thank you all for the joyous occasion that we have today.  I have to say that I am very honoured to be here today, and happy to celebrate the birthday of our church.  When I was told to come and speak today and make an opening remarks. I saw a great opportunity for me to share the love

When I joined this church as a new convert didn’t know what was in store for us and the first time when I stepped inside this church I felt discouraged because of the few members that I saw but didn’t know that never walk by sight but through faith all the time.

From the first day I set foot in this church I have received so much.  Being involved in this church has helped me grow in the grace of God and want to thank pastor for helping me to renew my mind.

Just as plants need to be watered to flourish. We have all been nurtured by our pastor and other leaders of the church and we can say that we have really been blessed.

I have to tell you, nothing comes easy, everything you see here was not done overnight.  It is the result of the hard work, dedication and vision of our dear pastor and the full support of the church members.  On behalf of us all, I want to say “Thank you pastor” and “Thank you the church leadership” and of course how can we forget our young and vibrant parish council members for all their efforts with their very active Chairman,

I encourage you all to go home today and have a talk with your family members however young or old and tell them how important it is to be apart our church, we welcome you all and be part of us. Thank you all for coming


More of the church anniversary opening remarks

 sample opening remarks church anniversary


If you are looking for short opening paragraph samples that are biblical. Let us look at this passage that was done by Paul in his letter to the various churches in the new testament bible.


Let us now focus on the biblical opening remarks made by Paul. We are going to focus on some few books of the Bible and get an inspiration on how Paul made the remarks while writing to various church of the time.

Sample from the opening remarks from the book of Ephesians

 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:  Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

when you read that opening remarks it comes out powerful and if you adapt in when making one in your church anniversary

-a very powerful opening remarks that you can adapt and give wonderful opening remarks to your church.

I love Paul very much because of his lovely and articulate opening remarks to the various church that he addressed.

Let me wish you all the best as you make your church anniversary opening remarks.

church anniversary opening remarks

Look at this church anniversary opening remarks based on the bible. Focusing on how one can integrate the scriptures when making remarks.

Look at this opening remarks here........


Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow church members, the guests present today in our congregation.

 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord

And welcome all of you today to our services and God bless you always.

chairperson remarks for a church occasions

Ladies and gentlemen of God, We have come to an end of today program and want to take this opportunity to thank you all who have participated to make this occasion a success.

As we disperse now and leave to our various homes. May the good Lord be with you until we meet again.

Stay blessed always.

chairman speech at  church anniversary

Here is the chairman speech at  church anniversary in your church.

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Let me take this chance the Lord has granted me to welcome you to this event in our church.
We have always looked forward to this occasion and want to thank our almighty God for making it possible to be here today,
Many have come from far and wide to be here to witness the wonders of the Lord.As you enjoy the activities of the day may the good Lord be with us until we finish.
Feel welcome and God love you.

opening speech church anniversary

The children of the most High, I greet you in name of the Lord Jesus,

Today is a special day in our church as we mark this year anniversary, We want to thank our God for what He has done to us far,I welcome you all to feel at Jesus feet and stay blessed.

opening remarks for church anniversary sample

Doing an opening remark for the church maybe different from any other occasion because you have to set the tone and not forgetting that in this scenario,you are not depending on your own power but through the Holy Spirit

The following are the opening remarks for church anniversary sample that are brief and short you can use.

church anniversary opening remarks sample

Dear friends,brothers and sisters in Christ,I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus.

May I take this opportunity to thank our dear loving God who is in heaven for this provision granted to us to meet here today in our church as commemorate a special occasion in our church.

Year in year out we have been reflecting on the goodness of our Lord Jesus and the grace given to us as a church to share the much love from heaven.

Allow me to welcome you here today during this event that is happening for the first time in our church as we give God glory and honor.

Feel welcome and may the will of God continue being revealed in our midst.

We hope the above samples and information has really helped you.

We look forward to hearing more from you, if you didn't find the opening remarks that you wanted, we can help you write one for you.

Below here is the contact form that you can use to send us the details that you want to be included in the opening remarks and we shall write for you.

This happens because maybe your church has got a theme that is unique besides the one we have given above.

If that is the case then we are able to write a speech for you that is tailored towards the occasion in your church.

Use this contact form to send us the details and we shall help you

We hope now you are ready for the occasion in the church.

We take the earliest opportunity to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion and want to pray to our heavenly Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit as you prepare.

We thank you and want to wish you all the best.

You can also have a look at the church anniversary opening remarks that can assist you.

church anniversary opening remarks Other related pages

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