church conference welcome speech

Are you looking for church conference welcome speech sample?

Find some examples that we have for you below here that can help you as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

Below you can be able to download the speech that you are looking for that is ready. It is one page speech that has got what to say from the beginning and how to end the speech.

You can instantly download the speech after paying a small fee of $9.75 that will give you access to our church occasion materials, we promise that you are going to have more than you are looking for.

click on the PayPal button below and will immediately receive the materials


We presume that this is your first time that you have been asked to speak or do the welcoming in the upcoming conference of the church.

You are looking for a sample speech or guidance on how to go about it.


We want to take this chance to welcome you to our page for the first timers. We cater for church members and those who have been asked to prepare for any speech.

We prepare samples that can guide and also information that will enable or assist them to write a speech from scratch if they have never.

We also provide you with contact form that you can send us information that can help us write one for you if you don't have time to write one.

For a start here is the sample that you can have a look at.

church conference welcome speech

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Let us thank our Lord for enabling us to travel from far and wide to come and attend this year's conference.

We are very much grateful to our Lord for the journey mercies and the protection granted to us.

Let me welcome you all to this great conference that we have looked forward to since the year started and we are happy that the Lord has made it possible to see it.

As we begin, we are happy in our hearts that the messages,sharing and the fellowship is going to make us move closer to our loving God.

We want to thank the Lord for you and the speakers who are going to speak in this conference, God has anointed them to come and represent him,as we listen to them, we all know the Lord is speaking to us.

We want to ask our Lord who is in heaven to fill us with the knowledge of truth and give us wisdom and understanding so that when the conference comes to an end

Feel welcome to our conference and God bless you

church conference welcome speech

We hope the above sample speech has helped.

If you would love to write one like above, we have written a step by step manual that can guide and take you from the beginning to the end.

You will be guided on how to write and also gain confidence that is necessary for you to deliver a speech before a congregation.

If you are interested with the manual then follow this link how to write and deliver a church speech and you will be able to download it instantly.

The manual is a 35 page that is comprehensive and has got all that you need for you to be ready to deliver any church speech including the welcome speech for the church conference.

If you don't have time to write one then we can help you to write.

You need to fill the contact form below here and give us the details that you want to be included in the speech then we cane write it for you.

Otherwise we want to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion and may the love of God be with you.

Let the Holy Spirit guide and show you the will of God as you do the welcoming in church.

We are praying for you and  stay confidence.

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