church homecoming themes

Looking for church homecoming themes?

Below are sample themes we have derived from the bible to use during the occasion

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We have prepared for you great THEMES in PDF that you can download and prepared for the occasion.

With only $ 5.99 you have wonderful themes for the homecoming occasion in your church.

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Our site for is meant for people who is their first time to prepare for the church homecoming and have been requested or tasked by the church to look for themes or come up with one.

We are here for you, as we guide you and take you through the process we know that homecoming celebration in the church will be a great one.

church homecoming themes

  • I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD

We have picked the theme from the book of psalms chapter twenty two and verses one which says,I was glad when told we meet in the house of the Lord.

Why the house of the Lord?

It is where the presence of the Lord's, Many people come from far and wide with a common goal and that is to worship the heavenly king.

Therefore this is a great theme that you can use during the homecoming service or worship that will be held in the church very soon.

It just reminds all those who will attend the importance of meeting in the church and as well those who have moved to other areas and used to worship with you in your church,that you cannot forget what the Lord did in the beginning.

Pick this theme and let it guide the church during the homecoming ceremony.

We given a theme above and also there is one below here and many more spread across the pages

  • The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth

We have derived this theme from the book of Timothy,

When was reading this letter written by Paul to Timothy,recommending how people need to conduct themselves in the church,

Which church? The church of the living God.

What really opened my eyes is the part which says. The pillar and the foundation of faith.

It is the church that our faith can be build..

if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth(1 Timothy 3:15)

As you are our looking for a theme, don't forget to pick the above because it reminds us the role of the church in the community.

As you are organizing for the homecoming service or event,let people know that the church has really helped them to build their faith in Jesus.

Let this event be an eye opener to all of us to know that God is really and cares for all of us.

The church is where we learn of Him,anchor ourselves at and draw much blessings for our lives.

As you share this great love during the homecoming in the church, this theme will serve you well.

All the activities of the day should center in this theme.

themes for church homecoming celebration

As the church plans for an homecoming celebration, we have prepared some great themes for you here.

The themes will march the occasion and as a church you will love to have them during the occasion.

church homecoming themes related articles

We keep preparing great themes for all occasions and we keep updating. our themes in the pages are well prepared, we thank God for inspiring us with great themes for occasions in the church that you can choose from and save your precious time that you need most for your daily endeavors.

We pray that our good God is with you as you prepare to have a wonderful homecoming soon in your church and as you celebrate this great event,may the love of God be with you all through. Thank you for visiting this page.

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