closing remarks for church anniversary

Looking for closing remarks for church anniversary? Here is a free a sample speech.

Below is an example of a speech that can help you as you prepare to deliver a speech in the church.

If you want to know how to write a speech from scratch, you can follow this link and you will be assisted,how to write church speech

We are grateful for visiting our site and together we shall move forward. Get a glimpse of the closing remarks given below that can help you to get ready for the occasion in church.

May God bless you as you celebrate the church anniversary together in church.

Closing speech

sample for closing remarks for church anniversary:

Everything that got a beginning has got an end
We want to thank God for his divine guidance that he has given us
We praise him and glorify him for what he has done to us
When we started this day we asked the Lord for the divine guidance
We are happy for leading us this far
Let me take this opportunity to most sincerely say to all those who came to
This anniversary that we have had today
We have had lot of activities since morning
You have all witnessed what the Lord has done to us
We thank him and praise him always
Thank you all the speakers who participated in enriching us with wonderful speeches for this day
We have listened to words that encourages us
And show us what we need to do
We thank you all those who accepted to come and speak to others
We want to thank the children department for accepting  to participate on this occasion
Your presence means a lot, we have laughed and enjoyed your skits
Your poems the made many of us to imagine a lot
Those who are adults can agree that we have lost our creativity somehow but we thank
The children for reminding  us where we were once a time
We thank you very much
We also thank those who went ahead and made sure that all the program run smooth
You made sure it is in our hands and you also made sure that the chairs we sat on are available
You bought flowers and arranged them well here
We thank you and appreciate you a lot
Finally, we want to thank our pastor for allowing us
To grace his occasion
We thank his wife and the children for accepting us to be here today
Thank you very much
May the grace of God be upon you always
Thank you all for coming and go with the grace of God.

Another sample closing speech

Good-evening brethren!

Let me take this opportunity to thank the almighty God for the wonderful love shown to us

We asked Him to be with us when we started this service that was a culmination and at the same time a beginning of another year in the event of our church,

Thank you all for making it a success,

Your contribution and your prayers has played a big role in making this anniversary a success

May the good Lord be with you always and continue doing good because it is by such sacrifices that the Lord is pleased with

Thank you very much and may you be blessed always.

closing remarks for church anniversary

we can also learn something from the closing remarks of Paul the great writer in the bible and how we can also make our closing remarks. so that we can adapt it for the closing speech for pastor anniversary

Look at closing remarks for church anniversary he made to the Christians in Ephesus chapter six verse twenty three

Peace to the brothers and sisters,and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love

closing remarks for church anniversary

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Good evening,
We have come to and end for today's programs and we want to thank our heavenly Father for the love and care shown to us,He has protected and been with us till we have finished well,
It has been a great event for us and we have enjoyed the grace of God which has led us this far,we want to thank all those who participated to make this day a success to be blessed in the Lord, we also thank all our guests who came to grace to occasion that God bless you always.
Now as we disperse from here and leave to our homes may the love of God bind us always until we meet another time.
God bless you.

Related articles

The following are closely related articles that you can have a look at to help you prepare for the occasion in the church.

Our aim is to partner with you so that we can make our churches successful in occasions and events that happens through the year.

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