Encouraging words for church anniversary

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We keep on updating our page for more encouraging words for any occasion in the church.Make sure you mark this page or save it.

Meanwhile have the encouraging words for church anniversary below here.

encouraging words for church anniversary


Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in making sure this day has been successful.It is by the grace of God that we have come this far and we want to pray to our heavenly father to continue supplying the grace so that we can achieve more for the Lord. Happy anniversary to our church and may God continue supplying our needs according to his richness in glory.


It has been a long journey since the inception of our church and we have seen what the Lord can do to our lives. It is through this church that our faith has been built and founded. Let us pray for more years so that the will of God can continue being manifested in people's lives.


The journey that started with a step,today we have experienced tremendous growth in terms of the attendance of weekly services and we want to thank our heavenly father for this wonderful blessings bestowed upon our lives.Happy anniversary church members and the church at large.


Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly father for the wonderful grace that we have been given free through Jesus Christ for enabling us to reach this day that is very important in our church calendar, let me wish you much blessings from the Lord and may we continue depending.Happy anniversary to our church


The Lord says in everything acknowledge Him and He will straighten your path,it is my prayer to encourage church members to continue trusting in the Lord always and lean not into our own understanding.Happy anniversary to our church


Whenever you get a chance praise the Lord and glorify Him, He is our creator and maker, who created us with a purpose on earth. let us go to Him and ask Him to reveal to us the reason we are here and we want to thank Him for the mercies. If we ask Him anything He is ready to answer us and fulfill it, Happy anniversary to our church.

Whoever we trust and believe in the Lord the work that Jesus did will also do it and even more because He goes to the father, what a joy in our hearts for this wonderful grace that enables to do many things through the Love of God that we have been by our heavenly God.

The encouraging words for church anniversary can be derived from the Bible and also as the Holy spirit inspires you.

inspirational message for church anniversary

If you have been asked to share inspirational message during the church anniversary then the one below here will..


It is a great privilege to join other believers as we celebrate the 4th anniversary since we began this ministry, I count it an honor to be part of the group.I  know that as long as the Lord is leading, our church will move to greater heights,let us keep on praying. God bless you all.

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