speech on induction of a pastor

Looking for speech on induction of a pastor?

Below is a sample speech that can help you during an occasion in the church.

If this is your first time you have been asked to given a speech during the induction of your pastor in the church.

We welcome you to our page because we are going to help you have the speech and prepare well for the occasion in the church.

We want to make sure that you have the confidence that you need to get ready for the event in the church.

If you want to know how to write a speech from the scratch while having all the details you need in place, then we have a guidance that we have prepared for you that can assist.

It is a 35 page that takes you from one step to another until you deliver the speech in the,meaning we go an extra mile of giving you tips on what you need to prepare for before you present in the church.

Visit this page to find our more details about how to write and deliver a church speech.

Here is a sample speech of what you expect to deliver during the occasion.

speech on induction of a pastor sample

speech on induction of a pastor

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ!

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Lord for this wonderful provision given us today as we celebrate this occasion in our church, it is great day as we witness our pastor being inducted to the ministry, we have been looking forward to this day and want to thank our Father for enabling us to see it.

Through the Bible God requires His servants to be diligent in working in the vineyard to win souls for the kingdom that Jesus brought.

The world need to be evangelized and all of us have been called to be co-workers with God to make sure all men have come to the knowledge of truth...1 Corinthians 3:9..For we are both God's workers. And you are God's field. You are God's building

We are so happy today that one of us is being inducted to the call that the Lord has given him and as we see him being set out to go and serve. We know that the Lord is with him and shall fill him with the knowledge of truth and have him with the biblical understanding that is required.

Thank you all the guest for taking your time to come and join us as we share this day of love, we know that this moments comes rarely and let us praise our Lord for the grace that is sufficient for us.

Feel welcome and stay blessed always.

The above speech as example that can guide you.

If you want us to help write one from scratch then feel free to contact us then you will give us the details on the kind of speech or type you want then we can prepare one for you.

We charge a small fee for the service to support our site running.

Below is the contact form you can use.

Otherwise, we want to pray to our heavenly Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit to guide and help you as you prepare for the occasion.

Have the blessings of the Lord with you until the day ends.

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