welcome speech for church anniversary program

Looking for welcome speech for church anniversary program?

Below here is a sample speech to have a look at as you prepare for the anniversary in the church.

Are you caught up with time and need help? welcome to our page.

As you prepare for the church anniversary which is around the corner, if time is not in your side, we are here to sort you out, you can have a look at some samples that we have given below here and get inspired.

If you need help to write an inspiring speech from scratch that can be ready for the day, we are giving that service, within a short time you will have the speech in your hand ready to deliver.

Meanwhile look at the sample speech that we have given below here

Sample speech for the program

welcome speech for church anniversary program

welcome speech for church anniversary program
Dear brother and sisters in Christ, our invited guests and all believers in Christ,
today is a special day in our church which the Lord has given us to congregate here as we delve into the wonders of the Lord, It is a mystery to see life unfolding in a unique way which the mind can't be able to comprehend.
It is beyond what is called normal in our lives to see this day the way it's, Many of us have been praying towards it and we want to thank our heavenly Father for the provision given to us here.
It is not by our own making that we are able to be here but God purposed it and made sure we are here. He says in the book of Philippians and allow me to quote it,when you read in the second chapter and you go to verse thirteen this is what the word of God is speaking to us today, and it says..For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure..you have heard it by yourself and have just read from the king James version, you can also confirm from any version that you have.
We are here because it is the will of God and it is God who has made it so,so that His good pleasure can be seen.
When our church started nobody had a picture of what the Lord was about to do. When you look around today during this ______________(insert the anniversary i.e 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,etc)Anniversary of our church.
We have grown in bounds and many have joined the body of Christ as Jesus is leading us.We are all grateful from our hearts for what the Lord's doing upon this church and we pray that the next anniversary we more greater and richer than this one.
As long as we keep on trusting our Lord, He will always showers us with blessings so that His name can be glorifies on earth and in heaven because He is God.
Allow me to welcome you now as we share this love and we have many activities and programs that we have in place so that the grace of God can be manifested in our church.
Feel at Jesus's feet and know that the presence of the Lord is with us from now until we finish because the Spirit of the Lord is at work.
Stay blessed in the Lord.

welcome speech for church anniversary program

We will always appreciate our heavenly Father because He is good. His mercies endures forever. He keeps His covenant forever, we shall remain hopeful in Him always.

Hope the above welcome speech for church anniversary program has helped you to prepare for the day.

If you are interested to write one from scratch.

We have prepared a guidance book that can take you step by step until you deliver the speech during the occasion in the church.

You can download the eBook when you follow this link, how to write and deliver a church speech.

It is a 35 page eBook that will give you everything that you need to be ready to give a speech in church.

Otherwise may God bless you as you prepare for the the speech in church.

If you don't mind,we have more speeches that fits any occasion and you can feel free to have a look at them by following the links given below here.

welcome speech for church anniversary

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