100th church anniversary welcome

Looking for 100th church anniversary welcome?

Welcome to our page where you can sample several examples of welcome speech for all occasions in the church.

Below you can get the anniversary welcome that you are looking for, we have placed all the digital materials for the occasion in one place for easy download. You can access the page by clicking the PayPal button for easy payment and you will instantly receive the page that you can download the welcome that you want.

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Our sole purpose is to cater for those who is their first time to give a speech in an occasion and want a clue plus a sample speech to help.

If you are used to giving speeches in the church then we might not be really of helpful but welcome you we share ideas.

If this is your first time to give a speech in the church we request you to proceed downwards because below here is an example for you that can help you to prepare for the occasion in the church.

church 100 year anniversary themes

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning!

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for this day that is very important to our church, all of us know that if it were not for the grace of God we would not be here today,attaining 1000 years needs the grace of God.

Majority of our founder members are not with us today but their vision continues being pursued from one generation to another. We belong to those generation and we are proud of it.

As we commence with the activities of this occasion,let us remember that we are in the presence of our loving God and shall guide and help us to make it possible for us to reflect back and say thank you God for all.

We want to ask our Father who is in heaven to continue filling us with the knowledge of truth and give us the spirit of understanding so that we can be able to understand the will that is in Jesus Christ.

The Lord has got the purpose for our lives and we want to ask him to help us to understand it as we lift up Jesus to draw many people to him

Feel welcome and may the love of God be with us all through.

We congratulate you for the milestone you are attaining as a church and we pray that God to continue blessing your church so that you can keep on glorying and praising His name.

Attaining 1000 years is not a joke but it needs the grace of God.

If you need we write a great speech with the name of your church being mentioned then feel free to contact us using the form provided below then we can make it available for you.

Otherwise from here we want to wish you all the best and we are praying for the occasion in the church that the will of God will be manifested so that you can finish well and the name of the Lord  be lifted up always.

Thank you for visiting our site and God bless you.

Below are other related articles and information that can help as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

Don't forget to make our site your partner by subscribing to our monthly newsletter that can help you keep up to day for the church information.

Share this information with your fellow church members and let us pray for each other.

You are welcome always.

100th church anniversary welcome

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