church anniversary greetings

You are here because you are looking for church anniversary greetings.

Thank you for visiting our page for some insights and great examples that can help you as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

We believe you are here because you are new to giving church greetings and this might be your first time to deliver such kind of greeting and speeches in the church.

We here want to welcome you greatly and tell you that we have what you want in order to be ready for  the event.

First you will get a sample greeting that will give you a total picture on how church anniversary greetings looks like and what you are expected to say when you stand in front of the church.

Here are some samples  that can help you.

church anniversary greetings

Congratulations! for adding another year of the service in the vineyard of our master the Lord. We want to rejoice together for what the Lord has done to the church at large. Stay blessed and God be with you.


Hallelujah! for what the Lord has done to you as you celebrate this anniversary. We want to pray that the grace of God to abound more as you share this love during this occasion. Glory to God.


Today is a special day in our church, may the love of God be revealed in us in Jesus name

church anniversary greetings

welcome greetings for church anniversary

Here is the welcome greetings for church anniversary that you can use..

Brethren in Christ I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,how are you?

Let me take this precious moments that the Lord has given us today as we celebrate this special occasion in our church to welcome each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet. Today in our church we have special guest who have come to grace the occasion and let all church members present to welcome them and make them feel that the Lord is with us and shall always protect us.

Thank you all and God bless you

25th anniversary greetings

Otherwise let us wish you all the best as you prepare to give the anniversary greetings.

We are praying for you and may our heavenly Father fill you will the Holy Spirit to guide you and help to the end.

Thank you and God bless you.

25th anniversary greetings

26th anniversary greetings

pastor anniversary greetings

We shall forever thank our God in heaven.

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