Looking for church anniversary programs?
Thank you for finding and landing in our page. We have simplified programs below here.
As you plan for the occasion,our guide in this page will help you a lot. We have an example of a sketch below here and also you can check out for free customized templates for your church programs
Here are the church anniversary programs samples that you can customize for your local church as you prepare to make a program for your church anniversary.
Let me pray for the Holy spirit as it guide you during this anniversary in your church.
Here is the sample programs for church anniversary
1. Preparation time, time of arrival of outreach churches and city members.
2. Call to Worship by Pastor ................
3. Opening hymn
4. Giving Thanks to God for His Church
5. Opening Prayer:
6. Praise and Worship
7. Welcome Song
8. Pastoral Welcome
9. Special Greetings
10. Announcements
11. Birthday Celebrants
12. Offering Prayer by Pastor _______________________________
Young Professionals, Youth Unlimited, Children
14. Highlights of our Church History
15. Recognition of pastors of pastored in this church
16. Dedication of the Church
Act of Dedication
To the glory of God our Father, from whom comes every good and perfect gift;To the honor or Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord and Savior;
To the praise of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, source of light and life.
D. The Congregation shall arise.
E. Dedicatory Prayer by Pr.............................
17. Congregational Singing: (choose a song from the hymnal)
18. Introduction of Speaker by Pastor ..........................
19. Anniversary Message: ____________________________________
20. Closing Song
21. Closing Prayer by Pastor_______________________
22. Instructions by Emcee
23. Preparation for Lunch
24. Prayer for Lunch
25. Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above the heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
26. Fellowship Lunch
Please stay in your chairs. Our ushers will serve your lunch. Thank you.We thank you all for coming
27. Special Numbers
28. Picture Taking
29. Raffle of Prizes by__________________
30. Closing Song
31. Closing Prayer and Benediction
32. Homeward Bound. God bless you!
Emcee: _________________________
We wish to thank EVERYBODY for their invaluable
assistance in making our ______ Church Anniversary a most joyous and
blessed occasion. We cannot name all of you, but God knows who you are.
May He richly bless you all.And the grace of the Lord be upon you always
church anniversary order of service
Hope you have found what you are looking for.
We also have:
church anniversary welcome speech
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