Church choirmaster welcome speech

Looking for sample of Church choirmaster welcome speech to assist you as you prepare for an occasion in church? Here is one.

I presume this is your first time you were nominated to be a choirmaster and are looking for an idea or a sample on how to go about it.

Even if you are a seasoned Choirmaster who is out to look for tips on preparation for the day.

You will find good and helpful information but want to warn you earlier that all the information here is tilted towards beginners that means those who have never done before.

That is why all our help here is includes samples that can give them a clue on how to go about preparing for the occasion.

Well, if this is your first time now you can proceed with me down here because I'm going to give you a sample to have a look at.

Don't forget to read further down where you will find a contact form that you can use to send information if you need help in writing.

Here is the sample now.

sample of Church choirmaster welcome speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning(you can change here to match the time you are giving the speech, whether morning or evening -just be flexible and feel free to do it)

What a joy to stand before you through the grace of God that have been given through the mercies that is Jesus Christ.

Let me start by thanking our Lord for allowing us to be here today as we celebrate this special occasion in our church.

When I read in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:9 the bible says that..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".

Yes the Lord is our strength in all that we do.

It is a great privilege to be alive and have this wonderful and unique fellowship together today.

Thank you all for making it and we pray that whatever the Lord has given us today will go down to enriching and showing the glory of God that is in Jesus Christ.

As we sing and share the songs that brings glory to God, we shall always thank our Lord who is in heaven for the provision.

We want to take this opportunity to ask our dear loving Father to continue filling us with the knowledge of truth and give us the wisdom and his understanding that we all need.

Let the name of God be praised and glorified forever in Jesus Christ.

Feel welcome and God loves us all.

Church choirmaster welcome speech

A speech to be presented by an out going choir master

Here is a sample speech to be presented by an out going choir master

Greetings in Jesus name.

I feel humbled to stand before you this day in our church as I give this speech that have always looked forward to.

Let me take this opportunity to thank our God who is in heaven for allowing me to see this day. Let me also thank each one of you for finding time to be here today.

As I was thinking on what to say this day, I remembered our heavenly Father for His goodness.

I thank the church for allowing me to serve as the choir master of the church choir and today God has seen it better to have someone else to continue the work of the Lord.I thank all of you for giving me a chance to serve and may the good Lord be with you always.

I welcome the new choir master with two hands and may our loving Father use her mightly in Jesus name.

Thank you and God bless you for the time.

The above sample is meant to give you a picture on what you expect to do to give a lovely welcome.

We understand churches are unique and you need to given a unique welcome speech.

You can contact us so that we can write one for you.

Here is the contact form you can use

Hope we have helped you.

We want to wish you all the best and may our good Lord guide and help you as you prepare for the occasion.

Thank you and God bless you

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