church visitor follow up letter

Here is the church visitor follow up letter very much ready to be downloaded, we have placed it down here in our pages so that you can easily get, just click on the download button and you will have it.

We are here to walk with you.

The letter you are looking for is down here to be downloaded, we have made it ready and you don't need much modification except few areas that need local lens.

The letter as per see is ready to be sent to the leaders and you can save your precious time to do things that you prioritize in your life. For us our work is to save your time and also avail the material that you need.

Below here the letter is ready to be downloaded but you need to spare your small money to get it, since this is a partnership, we want you to smile and we also smile, a win win situation.

For you to access the page that we have placed the letter you need to pay a small fee of $10.99 and you will instantly receive the page where you can download the letter.

We have placed all the occasional letters for the church, so you have value for your money.

Just click on the PayPal button below here and you will immediately receive the page and download the letter you wanted.


church visitor follow up letter

Greetings in Jesus,

We hope and trust that the Lord has kept you well so far, thank you for visiting our church services recently and as a church we were so much happy to have you among our congregants.

church visitor follow up letter

Greetings in Jesus!

Thank you for visiting our church and we were very much happy to have you with us, we are writing this letters as a follow up on how you are are doing in the Lord.

We were so much happy to see you attending our services recently and you were willing to join us again.

I'm writing this letter on behalf of the church to do a followup concerning the idea you had.

Hope you have made up your mind to join our church, as you saw last time, we have great and wonderful programs,that will help you grown spiritually.

church visitor follow up letter

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