welcome speech on presenting new gospel band

Looking for sample welcome speech on presenting new gospel band during the event in church

Below is a sample speech that can inspire and give a better view on how you can write one.

Just remember it is a sample of what you expect to have and if you want one that can fit your occasion then contact us to help you write one

welcome speech on presenting new gospel band

Our chief guest of the day, Senior pastor and the church management, fellow church members and all choir represented here

Greetings in Jesus name. good morning.

Hope the Lord has kept you in perfect peace and thank you for finding time to come and attend this special occasion that we are having today in our church of presenting the gospel choir band to the church

I'm humbled to see so many people coming to witness the will of God for us, today we are going to present to the church a new gospel band that will be praising God with songs.

I know many of us have been praying for this occasion and want to thank God for making it happen.

From today onward our services in church will never be the same again, singing is part of worshiping.

Our Lord is good and never fails us, He will always make things work.

It is my prayer that all those who belong to the gospel band need to commit themselves to prayer and to remain consecrated before the Lord because the work they are representing God for is a higher calling that the angels are supposed to do but God through His mercies He has accorded us.

We read in the scriptures that in heaven we shall sing the song of Moses and the Lamb and the greatest song will be the redemption song,as we rehearse for that day, may the grace of God be with our band so that our hearts can be filled with songs of grace.

It has taken a lot of sacrifices from individuals and families to come up with what you are seeing here today, good singing is a result of continues practice which comes with a lot of sacrifices.

Let thank all those who rendered a hand in terms of resources, giving their precious time and spending time in prayer for us to have this gospel band that is before the church today.

I urge not to tire in helping this gospel band, continue giving us the support that is needed so that we can have a strong singing choir that sings for the Lord.

Let me now take the precious opportunity given by our loving God who is in heaven to present to you the gospel band.

Thank you for allowing me to give the welcome speech on presenting new gospel band and let me welcome the MC of the day to continue with the program

welcome speech on presenting new gospel band

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